The web offers many great reference sites you may find interesting:

COVID 19 and Cats

General Information about Cats

Rescue Organizations

Pets in Crisis – An Animal Safe-House fostering program.  (view brochure.pdf)

This program, started by Dr. Jones, helps women being abused at home foster their pet(s) while staying at a Women’s shelter. While at the shelter, the animal is placed in a loving home where it will be cared for. (This service is free)

National statistics show that a great percentage of women will refuse or delay leaving their home due to a pet being left behind with an abuser. The fear being that the abuser will use the animal to continue controlling the victim.

Veterinary Schools & Technical Colleges


  • How to Pill a Cat – Dr. Jones takes away the intimidation of giving your cat a pill
  • Kitty Burrito – an easy, stress-free way to restrain your cat
  • Liquid Meds – How to administer liquid medication to your cat